Well, Be Prepared won't ship to Alaska, like so many other distributors I have given up on. So I went direct to Kelly Kettle USA and order a big base camp model. Unlike my Scottish friend's Ghillie Kettle, the Kelly Kettle either comes in stainless steel or plain aluminum. No anodizing.

I got the big base camp model kit, with all the accessories. I also grabbed one of the scratch and dent models on the same order. When they came in, the scratch and dent had only a couple small dings in the outer wall. That's a huge discount for what is essentially insignificant.

So I walked the neighborhood today with the wife. We've had rain for the past couple weeks here, so all the duff is damp, but I scrounged up half a grocery sack full including a dozen or so little spruce cones that were surprisingly dry. So here's the video of me testing it out.

Kelly Kettle test

It took 8 minutes to get 1.5+ liters boiling. Please note the big mistake I made when setting the kettle on the firepan. The heat coming up out of that chimney took the hair off my hand instantly. But I did not burn myself.

This stove gets two big, singed thumbs up from me. I highly recommend getting one.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)