Originally Posted By: hikermor
Not at all necessarily political, and thank you for the info. I have started really paying attention to social responsibility since the recent horror in Bangladesh - 1000 workers killed in a building collapse. If you ask me, it is worth paying a bit more if the workers stitching your threads don't have to die in the workplace.

You know, that same incident really hit home with me, too. I'm not sure- do I avoid buying from Bangladesh or does that make matters worse? If I may once more skirt the edge of politics I'd like to see a law passed whereby nothing can be sold in the US if it was produced under conditions that don't meet at least American OSHA standards. This would seem to me to be a win/win for everyone. Foreign workers would get safer working conditions, and there'd be no incentive for non-compliance since the US is a big market. Undoubtedly this would make foreign goods slightly more expensive which would serve a similar function as a tariff, making US goods slightly more cost competitive. It infuriates me to see an American company raking in billions off of workers toiling in appalling conditions (looking right at you, Apple!).
“I'd rather have questions that cannot be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” —Richard Feynman