If you're melting snow it's not so bad- once you get water, stick it back in the snow drift for a spell. I agree, though- you need a handle, bail or at a minimum some heavy gloves. Lots of the folks that recite the SS-bottle-to-boil-in mantra probably haven't considered how they're gonna move the bottle off the fire. I did notice the bottle is part of a larger kit but I still don't favor packing my gear inside the bottle; water storage still strikes me as the best use for a water bottle.

The kit looks very good, though. Anyone that's been here at ETS for awhile is probably better prepared than your average camper or hiker. Sometimes we forget not everyone takes a 30 pound ruck of stuff out on a day hike!
“I'd rather have questions that cannot be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” —Richard Feynman