Originally Posted By: hikermor
You could have a problem with the tea candles, at least in many areas, perhaps not so much in Canada. When they get hot, the wax will liquify and run, playing all kinds of games with the rest of the gear. Living in Arizona and California this was a very significant problem. Even in cooler climes, when you factor in the heat generated in a car interior, you could get runny wax.

I really like these 8 Hour Liquid Paraffin Fuel Cells. They're the same diameter as any standard tea light and will fit most lanterns made for tea lights. They're a bit taller, so that can be a minor issue, but they fit my UCO Mini lantern like they were made for it. These are made mostly for restaurants to go in the little lamps that sit on your table to provide ambiance. They seal pretty tightly, and I've never had one leak in 25 years of using them. The three big advantages they have over regular tea lights are 1) they burn around 8 hours vs a couple of hours for candles, 2) they can be snuffed and re-lit an almost limitless amount of times and burn just as well as they did the first time and 3) they don't melt. They're basically mini kerosene lanterns, so they work very well as a fire starter, too.
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