For basic netmaking instructions see chain start is another nice way to start a flat panel of netting.
Wrap the working end of your cord twice around the gauge and tie a knot. I generally tie a overhand knot with the loop and adjust it so it fits exactly twice arouind the gauge.
This is MESH # 1
A. Place Mesh #1 over hook and adjust loop so that knot is halfway between top and bottom of loop.
B. With gauge tie MESH # 2 into bottom of loop.
C. Remove gauge and Tie #3 into #2. Remove gauge and continue in this manner.
D. Tiie exactly TWICE the number of meshes you need for the panel of netting you are making. The example has 6 meshes to make a panel 3 meshes wide.
E. Put a support cord (Anchor) through the even numbered meshes and begin to net into the odd numbered meshes.
1. Using the chain start make a chain 16 meshes long. I used a gauge 1 1/2" wide
2. Make a panel 30 rows long.
3. On either side take a separate cord. Count down 5 rows and strung the cord through the side meshes (see top of photo). Tie the ends of the cord together (see bottom of photo).
4. Take a separaate cord and string it through the end meshes (see top of photo). Tie the ends of the cord together to form a loop (bottom of photo).
5. Hang the bag by these 2 end loops. Will hold a lot of onions or potatoes or whatever.
At my recent net making demonstraton I made up a panel of netting and was about to tie up the sides to make a storage bag. I realized that if I used small soft shackles
I could change the number of side meshes I included and make either a storage /shopping bag
or a storage hammock
Small carabiners would work equally well. Tony