Interesting statistics.

I drink milk because I like it. I never said it was healthy. LOL

I drink beer for much the same reason.

In fact, most everything I consume I do because I like it.

Funny how different authorities espouse and cite different statistics, usually in contradiction to other authorities.

Take coffee for instance. I've been drinking coffee for a long time. Occasionally I hear some authority say coffee is bad, then later I hear another say it is okay, and yet again another will say it is good for you.

I say drink/eat what you like. Do so in moderation, and try to have a sense of variety. Everyday I hear about some health nut in his 50s who keeled over from a heat attack, or was diagnosed with cancer, or run over by a car. Almost as often I come across someone in their 80s that is smoking, 50 lbs overweight, and, believe it or not, still drink milk. Go figure.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)