JI... I'm no means a medical professional, but carry two small trauma kits... one in my car, and one in the off body carry bag I carry a pistol in...the carry bag has a small outer pocket, and the following articles are included
1. couple of pairs of nitrile gloves, and clean up towelettes for first responder to help prevent transfer of blood borne pathogens
2. for severe extremity bleeding, a self application tourniquet
3. for bleeding a self application pressure dressing (Israeli bandage)
4. for bleeding a small pack of Quick Clot
5. for bleeding a Kerlix gauze to pack off the wound
6. for penetrating chest wound, petroleum gauze, and tape 3 sides to help prevent air to enter chest
7. irrigation syringe, electrician scissors, duct tape to go around a person's chest
not shown a Surefire 6P LED light
I was not able to include abdominal pads to this kit, but a couple are in the larger range trauma kit