You've mentioned Two Additional Advantages of Canned Food, which I did Not Readily Think of. And I now Add those to the Positive Side of my List!

It would also be Interesting!, as to What can Possibly be Substituted For, or Jury Rigged as, -an Emergency Can Opener!

I've on Occasion at Home, -Pounded an at least Reasonably Sharp, Ordinary Kitchen Knife!, with a Hammer, or a Rock or Something Else Substituting for a Hammer. Towards Opening a Can.

Even when Being Mindfully Attentive / Knowing What One's Doing!, -This is Obviously DANGEROUS, DANGEROUS, DANGEROUS !!!

It's also a Very "Meat Axe" Way of Opening, or Trying to Open a Can!

You're also Left with Much More Resulting Sharp Edges than Normal!, a Further Safety Hazard! And there's a Good Chance that you might get some Sharp Chips of Metal in your Food!

That Said and Remembered, Much of Such Can Opening Isn't All that Hard! Though some Moments can be. Plus the Aforementioned Slipping, Cutting, Gougeing, Puncturing, and Other Sort of Dangers!

You Don't even Need to Open the Can All the Way Around. But Rather just Carefully Enuf Peel Back the Top in order to Eat, -once you have enuf of it so Peeled Back and Open. (You could also Do the Same with Ordinary Can Opening, -But Why?)

You would However, Have to somehow Hold or Steady the Can!, as you so Primitively Hack at It! That can be a Very Dicey and Dangerous Aspect of it All!, as well!

There's Got to be a Better Way! If there even is Such a Way! Thats What I'm Interested in Maybe Finding Out. Does Anybody have any Knowledge, Techniques, Equipment, Experience, or Ideas on This here?!

If you were Ever for any Reason *Without* your Can Opener! (Of any Standard Sort), -How would you Go About Safely and Effectively Opening a Can?!

Perhaps there Already is such within our Equipment World, Being a Newcomer, Especially to the World of Specific Gear and Equipment,-I Simply Don't Know!

But my Occassional Foray into "Caveman Style" Can Opening, -When the Ordinary House Can Opener is either Lost, or Not Working, is D-D-D-D-D-D-D-DANGEROUS !!! I Will be the First Person to Say This!!!

If you're Gonna Do so, -Do so at your Own Risk, AND Don't Do so At All!

No Slip Up or Other Accident here has yet Occurred to me, -But it So Easily Could!

It's Very Iffy and Dicey!, and I Don't Make a Regular Practice or Habit of it! And I am Certainly Not Recommending it!

There has Got to be a Better Way! I would be Interested in What That(s) Might Be!
[color:"black"] [/color] [email]DBAGuy[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.