being a big fan of some types of horror movies i had to see this movie, but with some hesitation.

the original version by romero is genius, not just for STILL being scarier then the current version but also for the social message it carried in the original movie.

its also fun to sit there with someone whos into survival watching the film nit-picking all the things they SHOULD be doing.

the new movie disappointed me on many levels the begining and ending credits were "mtv style" buzz clips with lots of static that gave me a headache.
if you saw 28 days later you basically seen the same movie with running vicious zombies.

the story was pretty thin and the special effects almost all computer done now. ( i miss the make up and prosthetic zombie make up).

to me it lacked the soul that the original movie had, where you cared about the characters.
with these guys you dont care if they live or die it all seemed so overly negative and downbeat.

there were a few major problems in the film i wont go into because of spoilers, but suffice it to say they almost ruin the film for me.

if you want dawn of the dead buy the original its better.

and on a survival note, whoever said it was right, move everything to the 2nd floor of a house and tear up the stairs. problem solved heh.

personally i would never have left the mall, id make sure to fortify the outer area and then work on extending my perimiter as much as we can even if it means moving slowly.

on another note...IF the zombie scenario was real, dont you think that the combination of hot weather and naturally rotting in general would make them harmless in no time?

end of rant...
been gone so long im glad to be back