hikermor... I got my Goal Zero/Guide 10 piece by piece, and it's a pre "plus" unit, but I have an old flip phone that uses a miniUSB charge port... I too have switched to Eneloop AAs and picked up an additional charger... a Fujicell SCH808F... it is a controller charger with 12vdc as well as 120vac capability...additionally, a 12v female to battery terminal clip power tap cable,and an additional USB to miniUSB cable... gives me pretty good capability...I have a 12v auto battery that I keep charged for my digital TV, CR123's in the gun lights, but working to switch over to AAs...
a 120v transformer to 5vdc wall charger with a USB to miniUSB cable to charge the Guide 10 pack... and an additional USB to miniUSB from the Guide 10 pack out to my phone... everything else in picture is AA powered... I get only 1 phone charge out of the 1600mAh Eneloops in the Guide 10 pack... was hoping for more, but that was factory expectation... you should get more out of the "plus" pack
12v female tubular power tap,SCH808F charger, and 7w GZ panel and USB charger, give me two different NiMH AA chargers...