It's hard for me to think of a traditional culture that makes insect a significant part of their diet. Sure, there are lots of cultures that eat some on occasion, but I can't think of one in which insects is as much a part of the staple as rice, wheat, beef, pork, chicken, the usual varieties of vegetables, etc., for us. Why is that? Is it the "ick" factor? Do insects just not taste very good in general Or is it the trouble of cooking many tiny things, or the difficulty farming insects? (I'm guessing it probably isn't hard to farm insects -- after all, we mastered bees -- so it's gotta be some other reason).

I'm guessing that to overcome our cultural disgust with the idea of eating insects, the first form of insect food would be some sort of ground up burger patties.

As for "surviving," I'm trying to figure out the relevance. Is anyone thinking of raising locusts/mopani worms/anything in his/her vegetable garden? Or will this fall under the category of "wild edibles"?

Edited by Bingley (05/28/13 01:18 AM)