Originally Posted By: RedGreen

Originally Posted By: hikermor
Technically, the mayor is probably an elected official, not a bureaucrat

Technically (and by very definition), because one is elected does not negate them from being a bureaucrat.

Here is how wikipedia defines "bureaucrat."

German sociologist Max Weber defined a bureaucratic official as the following:[1]

He is personally free and appointed to his position on the basis of conduct.
He exercises the authority delegated to him in accordance with impersonal rules, and his loyalty is enlisted on behalf of the faithful execution of his official duties.
His appointment and job placement are dependent upon his technical qualifications.
His administrative work is a full-time occupation.
His work is rewarded by a regular salary and prospects of advancement in a lifetime career.
He must exercise his judgment and his skills, but his duty is to place these at the service of a higher authority. Ultimately he is responsible only for the impartial execution of assigned tasks and must sacrifice his personal judgment if it runs counter to his official duties.
Bureaucratic control is the use of rules, regulations, and formal authority to guide performance. It includes such things as budgets, statistical reports, and performance appraisals to regulate behavior and results.

Note the key phrase "appointed to his position." This definition rings true to me, because I fit most of it during my long career with the National Park Service. During that time I worked with all sorts of bureaucrats. Some were fat, lazy, and incompetent, but far more were energetic, conscientious, and thoughtful. Some were short; some were tall. Some were intellectual; some were earthy. A few were drop dead gorgeous; most of us, regrettably, were not. Bureaucrats bear a startling resemblance to people. Some employ the term as a pejorative, but most bureaucrats are simply trying to accomplish their job. They really don't stay awake at night figuring out how to make life difficult for the rest of us.
Geezer in Chief