Originally Posted By: RedGreen

Choosing to install a storm shelter in ones private home is reasonable (and prudent).
Being forced to do so by a bureaucrat is absurd.


Technically (and by very definition), because one is elected does not negate them from being a bureaucrat.

This sort of stuff amounts to political commentary, and is not allowed under the forum rules. I take it that RedGreen is some sort of con serv ative, and he uses the language that some pundits on the right typically employs to insult government employees (e.g., "we don't want a *bureaucrat* to make our healthcare decisions!"). This is the sort of stuff that could potentially make Doug Ritter's job harder when he has to work with "bureaucrats." Finally, the whole "anti-regulation" stance is another political statement, having nothing to do with the focus of this forum.

There is no restriction on your political beliefs on this forum as long as you don't discuss them. That's what makes this a good forum.