This article really exasperates me. It mentions mostly the gawkers--and some "looters"--who have descended on the devastation in Moore. These folks drive in from distant places to take a look and spend an afternoon.

*sigh* But what can we expect from people who are groomed on theme parks, blockbuster Hollywood movies, Facebook, Instagram, spectacle and celebrity gossip 24/7? It really just makes me shake my head. Actually, the media's presence fuels a lot of it, too.

When I was living in Manhattan on 9/11, I felt no need to go down to Ground Zero to check out the damage. Among other things, it was too sad and macabre to lay eyes on that place, and people had a job to do down there and I didn't want to get in the way. Even on the road, I don't rubberneck at accident scenes. I just want to get through safely and past the accident.