BTW, is there a record of the total number of fatalities depicted on that most interesting map? I dare say it might reach into the hundreds or thousands.
If you follow the link at the bottom of the map to the NOAA Storm Prediction Center at and scroll down to "Severe Weather Database Files (1950-2012)" it has links to the actual data files. You might have to total up fatalities yourself, but that should be easily doable if you import the "comma separated value" files into Excel.
Also, a further note regarding JBMat's comment:
Tornadoes scare me spitless. ..... I try to live where they have very few.
Further up on that NOAA page are maps depicting "Annual Average Number of Tornadoes by State" and "Annual Average Number of Tornado Deaths by State". It would appear that on a 30 year average there are more tornadoes per year in OK (57) than NC (26), but about the same number of deaths (3 for both OK and NC). So based on historical experience, JB's odds of dying in a tornado are actually about the same in NC as in OK.