Hello, everybody,
Not all of us on the forum live in countries where it is permitted to own a handgun. Of course, there is an option to carry a shotgun or rifle, however, they are quite heavy and bulky to carry them "just in case" when you are not hunting. Plus, too much headache to bring with yourself if you travel abroad. Therefore I have a question for you: what would you suggest to have instead of handgun for wilderness survival?
I have a few options of weapons but all have some disadvantages:
1. Crossbow- I own Barnett Delta Storm folding crossbow. It is quite heavy and pretty bulky, but might be useful even for selfdefence.
2. Slingshot- I do not know how good they are except my memories from childhood. Anyway, I am not a good shooter from them, therefore I doubt my abilities to hit a sparrow from 5 yards.
3. Air pistol- easy to aim, and, if non-CO2 model, very cheap to shoot. Of course drawback- small pistols are weak, powerful are bulky and heavy.
Of course, weapons are not limited to these only. What do you think might be the best weapon to hit a prey on distance for a survival situation if you are not permitted to own a handgun?