Originally Posted By: bacpacjac
Originally Posted By: Tjin
Back on the subject of the Simple hip pack Survival kit article. If the article get people to at least thing about survival or even make a survival kit, it would be a nice step in the right direction.

I agree, Tjin. We often criticize the shortcomings, and debate philosophies, but something is usually better than nothing. If a simple kit building project gets people thinking, it's a god thing.

I don't have an issue with minor differences in philosophy, but a kit made up like the one the OP showed exhibits horrible ideas that will not be helpful in any real emergency. Those kinds of things ought to be exposed for what they are. Talking about why they are such bad ideas is a good thing as it makes us think a little about just what such a kit ought to cover.

I have never been a big fan of the Altoids type kits. I just don't see them as especially useful. The way I see it the stuff that is truly useful in such a kit would probably fit in a 35mm film canister. The rest of it is just there to fill in the empty space. But, I do see talking about the contents of such kits to be useful.
Warning - I am not an expert on anything having to do with this forum, but that won't stop me from saying what I think. smile
