Howdy gigajack. You qouted me twice in your post. First, my brother would indeed take what you have. Your marked maps would lead him right to it. He doesn't have my sweet live and let live nature.
Second, if I remember your site correctly, and I do apologize if I'm wrong about this, you have a quarter acre? Why so much stock on such a tiny place? And the work really can't be that hard. Come to my ranch and see do what we do for one week and you'll see the difference in a working ranch. As I said, your condition was all assumption on my part. Office work is not conducive to physical fitness. There are rappelling systems out there that are goof proof and would store neatly in a drawer. As for your choice in personal carry arms, the .380 makes sense, but why a short barrled 9mm? I have used the 9mm and after the third failure I went back to my .45. Just asking, don't want to startr a huge debate about guns. You carry it and I ask why is all.
As for videos, I've considered making them but not until I retire for good at 53 or 55. I don't need to be recognized while working.
Thanks for your time.