Heading off into the wild may not be necessary, but sometimes it may be the only available option. I agree with chaosmagnet, sometimes the campground - or open field may be the only space (think earthquake). That is why one of the first items brought in is tents. There are many situations where you just need to be gone for a while (potential gas leak, train full of chlorine overturned). Why not go and enjoy a few days camping in the wild till everything blows over (sorry, I couldn't pass that one up).

This is why part of my BOB system includes the two packs that are my canoe bags, set up for a two week camping trip. If I have to live in a campground for a few days, I am ready. If I can, I may take the canoe and get lost for the same time. It leaves me prepared to be away from home for up to two weeks without anything else but a small piece of ground.

