Although the back yard is is nice to test stuff in, I tend to head out to a local/or not so local "primitive" camping area.. Meaning , no steel fire ring or assigned camp site, no latrines other than what you dig, and no water spigots..

Training is a great way to shake down your gear, find out what works well and whats hype, and "customize" your own kit to YOUR personal preferences.

Each of us are radically different as far as our kits go. Some folks prefer a few comfort items, others are more than happy to gut it out minimally as if they were in a Green Breret Qual course. To each his own.

But practicing the bare fundamentals in a "real world environment" is more valueable than silver or gold in my opinion. Starting a fire in drizzle with tinders, drinking water you've purified yourself, rigging a tarp shelter and actually sleeping in it while laying in a puddle enjoying the symphony of flying insects circling your head, going without food because you didnt think to pack any, or wiping your behind with vegitation will teach you more than any book, website or manual EVER could.

The important thing is not to cheat... Meaning, if you want to see just how far your altoids/otter box/ fanny pack/rucksack PSK will take you then you use ONLY the things in it, and ONLY THE THINGS IN IT.... If you cant make a fire with whats in it, you do without. No climbing into a brought along sleeping bag and tent when things get leaky and cold.. No MRE's or freeze dried dinners cause the ol' stomachs crying either, just make due with that little bullion cube, or that 1 piece of candy from your tin...( or learn from the experience and make a kit that is more suitable with your "threshold" - each person has a different one )

An important thing to remember is not to place yourself in harms way. ( this is training in an outdoor environment. not ) Don't go 20 miles into the bush to do this training. Stay within a mile of the road or trailhead, so if you find that things are getting dangerous due to weather/ body temperature/ etc, you can easily get back to a vehicle or civilization for help.

Just my 2 pesos

victory begins with a mindset...