If it was me, I'd really be looking at reducing redundancy. For example, 5 cutting tools, 5 lights, and 6 fire starting methods (over & above my EDC) seems high to me when everything is together. Likewise, having 2 complete stove/cooking systems seems overkill ... personally I'd be comfortable with the canteen based kit, but even going with the larger kit (and I'd likely go either alcohol or esbit, not both) would make the canteen system redundant.
I get the idea of being modular and being able to add & subtract capability easily, but I'd lean towards ensuring that what I'm adding is truly adding capability without adding that much redundancy. I might also look at not just adding but subtracting modules (e.g., maybe when the big cook kit goes in, the small comes out).
I totally agree, Dennis.
My cook, for example, is in transition so there's multiply versions. Ideally, I want one system with the ability to boil a couple of cups of water at a time. I've leaning to my hobo stove because it can use wood,more esbit, and the alcohol stove as backup. The canteen stove has just been with me for so long that I forget about it until I decide to use it to heat a cup of cocao as my dinner cooks. I should just stick to either or and not both. Getting rid of the hobo stove will save space.
Ditto the blades. I've been converted to batoning wood with my fixed blade, but still carry a saw or axe too. one or the other would suffice.
Lights are a weakness of mine too. One of my kids needs diaper changes and the other is afraid of the dark and a clutz like his mom. First aid and baby poop in the dark suck just a little more than the boogie man.