As far as features go, I have 2 primary cameras:

A Canon Rebel DSLR. Love this thing! I can use it as a point and shoot or get more technical using macros, etc, and the pictures always turn out frameable. It's big and heavy though, so gets left at home more often than not. It's great on car camping trips and short hikes,when weight isn't an issue and I want to spend more time smelling the roses on a trip. Sadly, it's about 10 years old and the power plant seems to be dying. We can't afford a new camera right now so I'm hoping that we just need a new battery or charger.

A Canon A800 PowerShot. Closer to the bottom end than the top as far as point and shoots go, but it fit our budget and works OK. It takes stills and video, takes 10.0 mega pixel shots and has 3.3X optical zoom. This one's high speed, low drag. It's small, light and a set of batteries can last entire weekend. It takes decent pictures in daylight but the flash sucks so nighttime shots can be frustrating.

When it's time to upgrade, I'll be looking for something that fits in a jacket pocket and that I can take a good midnight campfire shot with. Not very technical, I know, but I'm a simple girl and like my cameras that way too.
Mom & Adventurer

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