OldBaldGuy,<br><br>Speaking of getting out of things, what's up with those stickers I'm seeing on the back of a lot of vehicles that looks to me like "trying to get out of something." I live in North Carolina, and around here people sometimes display various small stickers on their cars that often look like a law enforcemant badge and have the name of some kind of law enforcement charitable organization on it, maybe something like "Police Benevolent Association" or whatever. <br><br>Whenever I see one of those, it always seems to me like these folks are hoping that's the last thing a police officer will see after pulling them over for a moving violation and approaching the driver's window. And somehow their $10 donation is going to make 75MPH-in-a-school-zone go away.<br><br>Are you familiar with this situation in your area?<br><br>Just curious what's going on. And do I need to get one of these? smile