Originally Posted By: bacpacjac
Cabin fever sucks, Roar. It sounds like you've got a perfect combination going of enjoying Winter and prepping for the Spring. All great stuff. Thanks for sharing! Sorry about the deer slipping out on their photo op. I hate that!

I look forward to those reviews! I don't often shop online but here a few things in the Pathfinder School store that tempt me. Is this what you're trying?: http://stores.thepathfinderschoolllc.com...ter/Categories.

Thanks for the bank line tip. I want to try it but haven't been able to find it. Now I know why. Thanks!

I've become a big fan of merino wool. I've had merino wool socks for a while and I got my first merino wool sweater and long sleeved shirt in the late summer. I love it! It's soft and snuggly but has amazing thermal properties , it's durable and it doesn't get the stinks. I'm on a mission to get merino long underwear, hopefully on a winter clear-out sale. Merino is pricey but it's worth it.

Talk to me about snow baskets. I just bought my first trekking poles and they came with removable snow baskets but I don't understand their purpose.

Wool socks are basically the only thing I wear - merino, smart wool and regular wool. Merino wool tees and long sleeve and now long underwear.

Bank line or seine twine is about 1/2 the cost from Memphis as it is from Pathfinder. Either way I have to pay shipping and customs fees.

The link you sent didn't work, but yes I believe that is what I bought. Years ago I gave up my target bow because I just never could get accurate (left eyed, right handed) so I thought I would try the sling bow concept. I didn't realize so much had changed in 20 years of archery!

Snow baskets on hiking poles basically turn them into ski poles. I think the baskets are about 4" diameter instead of the 1 1/2" diameter hiking baskets.
BD powder basket vs. BD hiking basket