Like Izzy and LesSnyder, the hurricane season of 2004 was the tipping point for me. I've lived in Florida my whole life and that season was a doozy. I was moving 150 miles north DURING the first hurricane, Charley, lost my house in the second, Frances, and STILL keep lots of personal items in plastic bins in my garage. Bugged out during Frances, went north toward Georgia. Wound up as far as Valdosta before the parking lot that was I-75 finally made me say enough is enough. Had my mom with us and she went into heart failure while there. Yep, pretty much buggered that year. Since then I've been fairly prepped, but food and stores are my main concern for long term. All that "doomsday preppers" makes for pathetic TV, so stick to this forum and level headed, "we're all in this together", VERY helpful and kind people will make the journey fun, humorous, and enjoyable.
seeking to balance risk and reward
Audaces fortuna iuvat...fortune favors the bold
Practice methodical caution...Les Stroud