I do not believe the terrorist angle. I believe these things are done by established governments in order to stage unjust wars and take away freedoms through government proclaimations purporting as their goal,"to protect the people".

How do you manage to reach that conclusion? By "established Governments" I presume you mean Western governments, who we have to thank for our way of life and standard of living. Or do you mean the Theocracies of the East, (whom we sold arms to) enforcing Islamic Law, stoning woman for adultry, supplying little or no social support, (eg. state benefits) ruling thier populations with an iron fist and with no chance of voting their government out of office.
What freedoms have you lost so far? Certainly not freedom of speech, not your right to vote, or the right earn a decent living.
If a government wants to go to war they make up a story about WMD's, which half the world doesn't believe - then they go to war. Killing and maiming innocent civilains isn't necessary, ( at least not on home ground) and ultimatley weakens the very economies they need to be able to fund thier wars.
If your unhappy with your present way of life, where in the world would you go to find a better one?
Why have they baned knives/sharp instruments on planes? Is it so that "established government" agents don't meet any resistance when they try and hijack it? Or is it so that someone else doesn't get the chance to crash the plane. Or maybe its just to wreck your holiday?
Even if you are right, I'd rather lose a small slice of freedom than live under some of the vile regimes of this world. If the day comes when I can't speak openly - like I'm doing now - without getting myself and my family executed, or have a chance to try and change our system, then I might take you seriously.
In the meantime I'll leave my Leathermen at home during my vacation, and trust my government is protecting me and my family from the extremists and pychopaths that seem to be crawling out the woodwork.