Yeah, I was afraid pushing from 1 mile to 1.33 on my long run days was a little big of a jump. Should probably cut that back to 1.1 for now and see how I feel. My right calf feels a ton better after a good bit of stretching, Aspercreme and icing it last night.

One runner I talked to said to ice it directly after running and see if that makes it better also. On strength training/short run days I've been doing 4x15 pushups, 4x20 situps, 3x3 chinups and then running 1/4 mile, but pushing the pace a little faster each time.

Also probably want to be more careful of how much I increase the pace and try not to overdo that too. Gotta stay healthy to be in shape by my GRC. On a good note, I'm down from 187 to 177.6 pounds as of today. Least I've weighed in at least 20 years and within 2.6 pounds of my target weight I've been shooting for (175 at 42 years old and 5'11").