Seems simpler to me to not be found without matches, firesteel, or some other means of starting a fire. After all, who counts on finding an IKEA store in the woods after getting lost? For that matter, if you Do find an IKEA store, easiest to call a taxi for a ride home!
Rubbing 2 sticks together is a fine
skill to have. But like any skill, it takes time and effort to learn, and practice to keep up. Matches, fire steel, "bic" style lighers (4 for a dollar locally) etc. are cheap and reliable and low skill, and more effective for the average person.
I don't disparage the skill, but I do think that the time and effort in learning it to a reliable point is not realistic for the typical person in the outdoors. "Flicking a bic" gets them the fire they need with much less time and effort. All they need to do is carry one. And all we need to do is convince them to prepare, just a little.