Not sure what the official total is here, but I know Portland got 32" and we must be somewhere close to that much (it's not that far away). I didn't lose power at my house...happens to be on the same grid as the local hospital (where I work). Not that big a deal right around here other than the usual digging out, and I know some people had trouble getting into work--I was supposed to be off this week but filled in yesterday and today for someone who lives 45 minutes away and couldn't get in. I have a ten minute walk to get there so would not have felt right about not pitching in. There were a few nurses who stayed overnight in empty patient rooms but all in all things went pretty smoothly. Hope everyone else can say the same! Definitely planning on some good snowshoeing tomorrow after church.

Edited by Jolt (02/10/13 04:03 AM)
The rhythm is gonna get you...and if it's v-tach or v-fib, the results will be shocking!