Originally Posted By: nursemike
Intentional communities are really hard to start, and quite impossible to maintain, and result in unforeseen consequences-think manson Family, Branch Davidians, Ruby Ridge and Jim Jones.

Best bet is to piggyback on an existing affinity group, and adapt it to your needs-Join a church. Organize your neighbors. Teach a prepper class in the local community education network. Lead a scout troop. Become a Mormon. Move to a small rural community.

Lots of possibilities out there that do not need you to start from scratch

I think anytime you get involved with small religious groups that have non-mainstream beliefs dominated by a single person you are likely to have some issues.

The problem with suggesting joining for instance the Mormon church is that while their views of secular things such as preparing for possible disasters of various types might well match up with your own, their religious views might be far outside of your own.

One thing nice about the Mormons is that they are pretty free with disseminating their collective wisdom on prepping without trying to force their religious beliefs on one. They even make their bulk food products available with minimal hassle to outsiders, although as I understand it, this is done on an unofficial "as available" basis, which is not real surprising as it is primarily done to benefit their membership.

It is too bad there are not Boy Scout type groups for adults, although to some extent volunteer fire departments and SAR squads are kind of an extension of the BSA philosophy.
Warning - I am not an expert on anything having to do with this forum, but that won't stop me from saying what I think. smile
