I have been in a number of clubs over the years.

People come and go.

I think back over the years at a local gun club I belong to and there must have been a few thousand members that came in and left during my time in the club. We see a lot of youngish members - early 20s or so, and then they get married and have kids and no longer have much time for anything else and they don't come back until they are 50ish or retired.

I would love to see some outdoor oriented clubs in the area but the few that there are seem fairly small and rather cliquish.

There is a hiking club in the area I live in but they prominently state they do group hikes at a 4 mph pace, and there is just no way I am going to keep up at that rate. I doubt they do either, but I am more interested in relaxing rather than setting speed records.

Even small informal groups of close friends and family often fall apart as people lose interest, have kids, move away, etc.

Warning - I am not an expert on anything having to do with this forum, but that won't stop me from saying what I think. smile
