My comment about the plague was mainly tongue in cheek, although I could imagine a stereotypical tinfoil hat survivalist type getting the nervous shakes over the "Golden Hordes".

I was surprised that the cell service worked fine - perhaps they also had extra towers set up.

Yeah, we got snow at the end of the day and traffic was very, very, slow on the way out. I'm sure the snow didn't help but the traffic volume alone was enough.

It is just impressive to see that many people in one place. Not that you can see very far from eye level, but at the foot of capitol hill you can see Constitution Ave. packed with people and as you start up the hill you can look back and there are more people as far as the eye can see.

Best estimate is 500,000 people, DELETED FOR POLITICAL CONTENT

Edited by chaosmagnet (01/30/13 01:54 AM)
Edit Reason: Inappropriate political content
- Tom S.

"Never trust and engineer who doesn't carry a pocketknife."