Im not talking Basic EDC/Survival Kit type stuff Just items you yourself have come too hate leaving home without that make you comfy/Feel safe in your own kinda way. Not to mention What you have Stopped Carrying lately and what reasons.

For Me its Become a basic Baseball Cap, Belt, Music Im currently listening too preloaded on my phone, Something Minty Like Tee tree Toothpicks or gum.

Things I stopped Carrying, Lighter, Excessive Keychain, Multitool, sunglasses. I use to carry a lighter all the time but for the past year or two its become a bother in my pocket that i rarely ever use. The same goes for my keychain in which I went from having on it a Bottle opener, WHistle, Screwdriver, S-biner and lanyard which now it only has 3 keys and a Pendrive. The multitool I also use to EDC but lately I only strap it on my belt for long days out.

Also I been looking for a heavy duty fitted baseball Cap and have been failing to do so. I thought I found a great one in Walmart With this,

But The Elastic has bundled up on the headband portion. Any help Would be appreciated!