Originally Posted By: NuggetHoarder
I'm sure this is gonna raise the hackles for quite a few here but I see a lot of "I'm helpless come save me" type thinking going on here.

TeacherRO is the only one so far who touched on the right direction... snow shovel, jumper cables, flashy light, etc

Doesn't anyone prep for self-rescue anymore?

How about tire chains, a satellite phone, a tow rope, tools, shovel, tree saw, shoe spikes. Think self-rescue - Don't just sit on the side of the road and pray the government will save you before your little candle burns out and you freeze to death.

Speaking of tools. Quite a leap in your thinking, NH, and inappropriate snark.

There is no "I'm helpless come save me type thinking" in this thread. There is plenty of "I'd like to prepare for being stranded with the car for some period of time" thinking in this thread.

My car is stocked with jumper cables, shovel, Gransfors Bruks Scandinavian Forest Axe, etcetera, and I'm among the few in the mid-Atlantic who carry tire chains during the winter. I even carry duct tape.

Perhaps if you would think more you could imagine a scenario that cannot be remedied with jumper cables, tire chains, shovel, tree saw, shoe spikes, tow rope, a sat phone or even a well-equipped tool box.

Unless you are Mr. Goodwrench and have an automotive diagnostic computer and auto parts store in the trunk of your car, situations may arise in which you may not be able to "self-rescue." In the event of being stuck in a major traffic jam on a major highway during a winter storm, staying with the vehicle may be the wisest and only feasible course of action -- whether or not you have a super-duper tow rope and wench on your high-clearence 4x4.

So instead of presuming that every situation lends itself to "self-rescue," are you capable of constructively adding to a discussion about staying safely and comfortably with the vehicle for several hours, or longer?