Just to clarify: hubby rescuing me meant him bringing a new battery and alternator and changing them himself. (Thankfully it didn't turn out to be computer problem.) One of my best preps is the benefit of having an amature mechanic and retail parts store manager as a partner. wink. Saved us a bunch of $$$ on a tow and mechanic. (I can change a tire, jump a battery, change a fuse, wiper, etc. on my own, BTW.)

To Nugget's point, I don't get the sense that anyone here is planning to rely solely on the powers that be to rescue us. It is wise to carry the means for self rescue - shovel, chains, fuses, cables, tools, etc... just like it's wise to check the weather forecast and plan your trip accordingly. it's also wise to prep to be stuck for a while, even, perhaps, maybe, while those steps are being taken.

Had I been driving, 9 months pregnant, on a blustry winter day, to visit my friend In the boonies... my report, including the supplies I regularly keep in my Jeep, would be entirely different - and it would have been caused a not very wise move to begin with.

Edited by bacpacjac (01/22/13 04:17 AM)
Mom & Adventurer

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