Originally Posted By: Russ
Originally Posted By: hikermor
The most important single item would be a sleeping bag, by far. Then some food and an FAK, plus other items to suit the situation.

Even here is the benign climate of SoCal (it is going to hit 81 degrees today), our car always has a sleeping bag in the trunk, plus water, at a very minimum.

At 60,000, your wheels are just getting broken in.....
Agreed, however some things time out regardless of mileage, chemical reactions and all that. Vehicles today can go a long ways, but they still need maintenance and a low mileage vehicle should have some things checked closely or simply replaced based on time rather than miles.

Dagny's Element is probably in great shape, but the tire sidewalls may be cracking due to age regardless of tread thickness. Her radiator may have build-up not noticeable until stuck in slow traffic in August -- then the temp starts to climb. That's what happened to me with the temp gauge flirting with the red mark up by the "H". Lots of little things that are normally of no concern until they put you on the side of the road waiting for AAA.

Yep, I had a 10-year old Miata with 44,000 miles on it and one night at work I went to drive home and a gasket in the clutch slave cylinder had failed so no-go on the clutch.

Time alone is tough on a vehicle.