

I don't carry a kit per se, but this is my fire stuff which gets dispersed throughout pack and pockets.

In no particular order:

Brunton storm lighter, fully fuelled (pocket)

Mariner matches x 12 w/ 2 striker strips. There's a couple of tinder quick mashed in there as well to keep the matches from moving about, and for... Well ...tinder if I need it I guess. The lid has glow tape glued to it. (This goes in my pack)

Home made deer horn fire steel thingy and striker(pocket)

Coghlans wax tinder in zip bag (pocket)

And lastly (Yes, I know you are all laughing), but that is a road flare across the bottom there. You Americans (except maybe the ones in Alaska) don't know what cold really is. Up here, when you need a fire in an emergency you need it yesterday, no messing around with little bow drills and char cloth and types of fungus ....that's fine for keeping the skills sharp, but when It's -50 deg cel I ain't messing around with that BS. If I can't get a fire going with this, then I don't belong in the woods at all. It's sealed in plastic and rides in my pack. Makes an obviously descent signal too (as designed)

And that's it. Nothing fancy or elaborate. I usually won't ever need anything more than the lighter as it burns hotter than hell. It must ride in a warm pocket to work however, as compressed gas doesn't like the minus temps much.