That's a very neat stove you got!

Your stove doesn't burn propane - it uses butane, iso-butane, or blended butane canisters. Butane liquifies at a much lower pressure than propane - making an unregulated propane connection to a stove expecting butane is at the very least going to "pressure test" your stove <grin>.

The only "cannister" fuel that Coleman sells is for the fairly new "Expedition" line of stoves - and they do indeed use a propriatory cannister (with a propriatory fuel blend - it has a higher percentage of propane dissolved in the butane than run of the mill cannister fuels IIRC).

Coleman does brand name disposable 1 lbs. propane tanks - like for lanterns and a couple of inexpensive stoves. And as you note, there are "converters" for white gas stoves like Coleman green boxes - they are a generator replacement (I keep one in each green box coleman stove along with a bulk-to-disposable hose so I can use white gas, bulk LPG, or disposable propane). They have a metering orifice blah blah blah - and the "converter" is not mechanically connected to the burner assembly, so it's impossible to build up any pressure. (I could show you this in 10 seconds but it's difficult to explain briefly in writing).

A competent tinkerer could make up a perfectly safe propane adapter for you - but because of how your stove connects to the fuel reservoir, the tinkerer would have to include a pressure regulator between the propane reservoir and the stove.

Your stove uses all the commonly available cannisters of butane-based fuels, so you should be in pretty good shape except: At low elevations in cold weather, butane simply will not vaporize - actually, somewhere around freezing. That's why down south in the US, bulk LPG may have a lot of butane in it, whereas up where you live and north, it's mostly or entirely propane (and even then it takes a tank heater to vaporize enough LPG to supply a house from the bulk tank). Butane stoves work great at high altitude, though. And you have the white gas option for Canadian winters, so you're pretty well set with a single sotve, I'd say. How do you like the stove so far?

