I simply help as much as they wish - no more. It only generates bad-blood to throw on a dose of "I told you so". Often, folks don't want as much help as they need and in those cases I walk away when they think they are done with me. Unless of course I'm on duty then I make them sign a refusal of treatment form first. I became prepared so that I could survive and so that I might be part of the solution rather than part of the burden. For me it is about makeing the society more resilient. If we are all ready to get on with our lives without disruption in the face of blackouts and terrorist attacks and hurricaines and .... then we have disarmed both the terrorists and the fear-mongering politicians (who wish to strip us of our liberties and dignity at the first opportunity) with one stroke.

Sorry, I slipped into a rant there at the end. Anyway, my point is that if someone needs help then that is just what I have prepared for. I help them and then go about my business. If there are more that need help than there are that can provide help then MCI triage rules come into play. Learn them, use them. Walking wounded - walk, dying - die, the rest get busy with the rest!.

When the crises is past some will ask how I came to be so prepared - I handle this as a simple request for help and I am prepared to tell them to the extent that they want the help (The logic becomes recursive here so start reading from the top again).

Some don't care about my level of preparedness but are grateful for the help - I tell them they are welcome and if they wish to act upon that gratitude they owe it to the next guy down the line to become prepared to help him.

Some aren't even grateful but simply benefit from my help and move on through live un-changed - I know I will be seeing them again in need - The opportunity to help these folks will present itself again and they may be a little more open minded after they have smacked their head into the brick wall of unpreparedness again. If they keep doing the same things they will keep getting the same result.

Some are downright astonished and angered that I didn't prevent this from happening to THEM since they are soo important and I was obviously responsible for them since I was prepared. These will be triaged differently next time.