i'm going to drift off for awhile.as much as i like this site and the people here i find it's taking up a lot of my time.
it's part of my New Years resolutions to pick up on several projects that have been hanging fire for too long.
behind me i have for example several box's of 4x5 sheet film which i got a few months ago but have not loaded into holders let alone expose and develop.i want to brush up on my large format camera work for the canoe trips this summer.
one more is the knife blade my wife had made for me almost two years ago.i'm just now almost done with the rough out work on the leather grip and the sheath is still just an idea.
it's just not ETS,it's several other sites that i had good intentions about,just a quick look with the AM coffee and then off to the real world.a buddy said that being retired i was using the computer to keep in touch with people and not to take this all so seriously,my Wife said just don't disappear,people will think your wandering around lost in the woods,i think she was trying to be funny.
i know how hard it is to break habits and cold turkey is the best way to go or i'll do that "just one more post" and find myself still in my sweat suit at noon punching away at the keyboard.
before ice out in the spring i'll be back with some photos of my new PFD ditch kit and by next winter well on the road to working on the rest of my resolutions and ready to join in again.
no need to reply,be good to each other and see you later
Dave "canoedogs"