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About getting older , I have become less mobile , and less enthusiastic to move. It is creating a gap between me and family because I don't like travelling or even going to the mall. Fortunatley the kids drive now, so they do most of the shopping and other errands.

A few months ago we travelled together, but I didn't see it as a "vacation" for me, I saw it as a "duty" being the family head to give everyone some good time. That vacation ended without me feeling I had enjoyed it. It was just another duty to fulfill. And was frustretd when I was asked at work ( where did you travel in your vacation? ). It was a given that travel IS what vacation is !!

Actually, a REAL vacation for me is to be left alone in some remote ( but safe ) place , for 2-3 days. No one around, no phone calls, nothing. In that period, I want with me a bunch of reading materials and my bug out bag to test in those 2-3 days. That would be a REAL vacation for me. No duties, no malls, no calls, no nothing but a bunch of books, and a cuppa coffee on an esbit stove.

I don't know if this counts as a sign of "getting old" ..
I think it is .