Originally Posted By: Newsman
Sadly, this conflagration ignited from what may have been a legitimate question. While age spots may NOT bother you, they bother many people. And they deal with it -- the exact topic of this thread -- by zapping them with laser treatment.

From a yahoo article: "While age spots are not typically dangerous, they are one of the most definite signs of aging. In fact, among people who have reached 40, age spots are one of the most common skin issues that people complain of, second only to wrinkles." <http://voices.yahoo.com/laser-age-spot-removal-works-10497739.html?cat=69>

Everyone here says this forum is different, that it remains friendly and civil. Which it is. But this thread turned ugly with a harsh, demeaning accusation. Troll.

If someone thinks a forum member is a troll, please take it up privately with a moderator. They are the forum police as well as judge and jury.Therefore they are licensed to hunt and disable trolls.

Our job, as members, is to build this community. Not chase people away.

I totally agree. One of the things I love about ETS is that I can ask my "stupid" questions without being publically outted as stupid or a troll. We all have differing levels of experience so what one person thinks of as inane isn't necessarily so to someone else. It makes me uncomfortable and embarassed when someone gets raked over the coals because of a question they ask. Four recent examples come immediately to mind and in all cases, I believe we've lost contributing members as a result. Honestly, I think that's too many.

I felt welcomed when I started joining the discussions here, even though I felt woefully inexperienced compared to other members. I've learned a TON here because I haven't been affraid to ask y'all for guidance. We either welcome inexperience, and seek to learn and educate together, or we don't. Frankly, I like that ETS isn't elitist, and welcomes all comers without judgement.

Maybe it's the mom in me, but can't we all just be nice to each other? If someone asks a question that you think is so incredibly obvious that it's a waste of time, answer it or ignore it, but can we please stop the name calling?
Mom & Adventurer

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