I am mid forties and work is vey physical. I feel the aches and pains more than I used too, and dont work 12-18 hours days much anymore (self employed)and tons of hobbies and interests tied to my job. I have not yet begun to medicate with Ibprophen or asprin (aint that bad yet), but I do have my most recent reminder I aint getting younger, reading glasses. I was on my dualsport this summer while on vacation and on very remote forest roads and lost my reading glasses, I was "cooked" to read the map I had. It was a not so subtle reminder that in an emergency situation I had BETTER have multiple pairs around. A buddy was supposed to be with me (he had to cancel last minute) and I did have a contigency plan that my wife knew of (as well as a "rough" idea of where I would be that day)but still it was a little unsettling.
