My Beeman pellet gun is HEAVY,and noisy.While it could take down a rabbit all in all I'd rather have the 10/22 any day.

And geeze does ammo get heavy fast! 2 boxes 12g,40 rounds 30.30 and a brick of .22 is heavy.Give me half a brick of .22 any day instead.
I think the .22 is the go to survival rifle for me.Like the breakdown 10/22 but I have to call it stops somewhere otherwise I would do nothing but buy more and more.

Ruger Mk III? Man what a nice little gun.A range member sets up clay pigeons at around 25 yards and is darn good at hitting em,and the misses still close.Takes a lot of good natured ribbing with the little gun but in reality its pretty impressive what he hits with lots of practice.

Think Ive got all the goodies for the Excaliber Vixen II Crossbow (And a scope,woohoo!),shouldnt be long before we have that at the range,cant wait!
Velocity: 285 FPS
Draw Weight: 150 lbs.
Power Stroke: 13.5"
Mass Weight: 5.9 lbs.
Overall Length: 35.5"
Arrow Length: 20"
Arrow Weight: 325 Grains
Stock Type: Traditional
Finish: Realtree Hardwoods HD
Arrow speeds obtained using 350 grain arrow and optional 1989 Flemish Dyna Flight String

Finally,open sights,whats that??? All but the shottie has glasses here,my eyes arent 18 years old by a long shot.