Originally Posted By: TeacherRO
Peanut butter in single use packs. Very cheap, calorie dense and shelf stable

I've been looking everywhere (brick and mortar) for those, Teacher, and so far have only found them in MREs. (Around here the only thing similar I've laid my hands on are those little packs og pb/jam/honey they give at breakfast joints, but I'm worried about their packability/smashability. We just got a new Costco not far from here, maybe I'll have luck in there. (One of these days when I go to the big city, I'm going to hit the Mountain Equipment Co-op store, they're bound to have it.)

I just watched Canoedogs youtube video about his Chow Bag, and it looks like he uses generatic squeeze containers to carry peanut butter and jam. I am VERY curious about these. Any insights Canoedogs?

Mom & Adventurer

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