I am looking to rebuild my camping and backpacking gear. My ex got most of it in 1998.
I have started to collect stuff again.
There is a guy selling military sleep systems on eBay for $59 plus shipping. Its a heavy thing in total but most times you would not need the whole thing anyway.
I am thinking for summer months a military poncho with the liner in it is purportedly a reasonable facsimile of a sleeping bag. it would probably work Ok in my new hammock that arrived today.
But for cooler times of the year I think I will need more. I am not overjoyed with the MSS but it is relatively cheap and warm enough with all three pieces for any camping I would do.
What do you guys think? I am a big guy (around the waist anyway) so I don't want something tiny, and it seems adequate, but have never used one before.
Warning - I am not an expert on anything having to do with this forum, but that won't stop me from saying what I think.
