Tasha, if you're reading this, this is not the post you are looking for.

(DD is an ETS member too.)
My DD (23 yo), DS (Cub Scout, will be 10 yo) and nephew (Air Cadet, 13 yo) are planning a survival weekend this summer. They're going to spend a few days in the bush in my cousin's back 40, probably in July.
The weather for this particular trip should be hot, with temps in the 20Cs - 40Cs. Rain and wind may be a factor. They'll be in the bush with no obvious source of drinking water, but lots of building and fire materials. Of course, having a campfire is going to be very weather dependant, but generally speaking, the ares they'll be in is very wet.
They're all eager campers so this isn't likely to be their last outting together minus the parentals.
With that adventure in mind, I'd put together a little care package for them as a Christmas gift. They've each got their own packs with various supplies so I'm not not looking to outfit the with PSKs, just a few nice to have group supplies, that they use on this and future outtings.
Here's what I'm thinking:
-I've alresdy bought each of the boys their own cheapo 2 man tent (DD already has a solo tent) but I'm thinking I'd rather get them a tarp or GI ponchos, along with some paracord so they can practice making shelters,'which is one of their stated goals
-an esbit stove and a cook pot
-an LED lantern (We want to staying away from liquid/gas fuels - when unsupervised by an experience adult - until the boys get a little more mature)
-GMRS radios
Any other fun and useful suggestioons?