Originally Posted By: Am_Fear_Liath_Mor
But there must be some good ones out there somewhere.

Perhaps even more important than a good Emergency kit is knowing what is required to get out of trouble with the vehicle.

My comment was mostly (foolishly?) hopeful. I'm sure the kits that go out with commercial vehicles into out-of-the-way places are considerably better, since this falls under legally enforced health-and-safety requirements. You won't buy them for $25.

I agree that, from a basic repair point of view, a much more specific kit is preferable -- tailored to the vehicle and the knowledge level of the person using it.

Consider, though: on at least half of the occasions where I have used my car kit, it has been to help someone else. Items actually used: booster/jumper cables, tow rope, siphon, gas can, gas-line antifreeze, shovel, traction aid, tape, clothing/gloves, basic hand tools, and communications.

Car kits should be able to cover this basic list. The abject failure lies in filling that list with disposable trash that will surely fail the second you really need it.