It has come to my attention that there appears to be a serious problem with a significant number of the Brunton 40LU watchband compasses that are currently being shipped from Brunton. These would be sold as the Silva 40LU outside North America. (see image below) I have been advised from a reliable source that approximately 70% of a recent shipments of these compasses to this company have been defective and will not function. I am currently investigating the situation, but if anyone has recently purchased or plans to purchase one of these compasses, take care to ensure it is functioning properly before relying upon it. If you have found a defective compass, please contact me via email (not via the Forum). Please note that this appears to be a recent problem and not a longstanding one. Those compasses that are functioning properly are likely just fine, the issue appears to be one related to initial assembly. If it's working, it should continue to work.
I have been in contact with Brunton and they are investigating. I will update this as further information is available.