Originally Posted By: MDinana
Any place to stash a small "restock" bag? Just some food, maybe a headlamp or matches or something? If it's as rural as you insinuate, might be easy to sneak it off the trail under a root or something.

Actually, while it felt remote I was really in the middle of the city. Rather than walk along residential or commercial streets I was on the city's pathway system which, especially in the dark and with few users at the time, felt like I was really on my own. Much of the route I was on falls between the river and major roadways on otherwise undeveloped land.

Originally Posted By: MDinana
Headlamp vice the Fenix?

I might just throw a headlamp in my urban pack so I have both options when I'm out at work.

Originally Posted By: Russ
If you don't need to get "home" and just need to get somewhere safe, see if there isn't a closer option.

Excellent point, my route last night took me pretty close to both my step-son's home & place of work. Either would easily be half (or less) of the distance to my home.
Victory awaits him who has everything in order — luck, people call it. Defeat is certain for him who has neglected to take the necessary precautions in time; this is called bad luck. Roald Amundsen